Monthly Financial Snapshot: June 2017

This month was pretty stressful at work. A lot of emergent work, and therefore emergent overtime. But the market is still chugging along, so no complaints from me. 

July 1, 2017 1 min

Monthly Financial Snapshot: May 2017

Crossed the $150k milestone this month. Was travelling for the first half of the month, so some of my ordinary expenses dropped while some my discretionaries went up. All in all, a pretty average month as far as spending goes.

June 1, 2017 1 min

Monthly Financial Snapshot: April 2017

Pretty good business progress this month. It’s chugging along without too much additional effort at this point. Still not quite profitable yet, but it’s getting there. At current rate, will break even sometime in September/October and with any luck will score some profits in Q4 to finish out the year. In other news, hit 2 mini-milestones this month. The first is reaching $100k of savings from work. This represents after-tax money that I have earned from working which I funneled into savings instead of spending on current consumption....

April 30, 2017 1 min

Happy Churniversary, Part 2: Burning

What good are earning credit card rewards if you don’t use them? Here’s how I have used my points to save money on travel since I started earning them a year ago. Since I have focused mostly on earning points, I haven’t had as many opportunities to spend them yet, so this post will be considerably shorter than Part 1. Note that I don’t count travel expenses covered by the Sapphire Reserve’s $300 annual travel credit as a redemption as I view it more as a rebate of the $450 annual fee, making the card effectively $150 annually....

April 20, 2017 5 min

Monthly Financial Snapshot: March 2017

Lot of progress this month due to fortuitous timing of paychecks (3 this month), the last of my overtime pay, business income, and a modest tax refund. The remainder of the year will likely look much more ordinary on the income side, so I will have to step up my business income and hope for the best in the markets if I want to keep up the pace from the last couple of months....

April 1, 2017 1 min

Happy Churniversary, Part 1: Earning

As part of my ongoing quest to optimize my finances, I took up credit card churning almost exactly one year ago today. Let’s start from the very beginning (a very good place to start!) What is churning? In order to attract new customers, banks often offer lucrative sign-up bonuses to those who open up credit card accounts and then meet a minimum spending threshold on the new account within a few months of signing up....

March 6, 2017 10 min

Monthly Financial Snapshot: February 2017

Obviously, a significant amount of progress this month, mostly due to my company’s annual bonus getting paid out. Thanks to it, I was able to max out my Roth IRA for the year, as well as pay off the larger than average credit card bills from starting my business last month, all without having to touch my emergency fund. Those expenses also allowed me to earn my final batch of rewards from credit card sign-ups, some of which I will put to good use on my upcoming trip....

March 1, 2017 1 min

Monthly Financial Snapshot: January 2017

February 1, 2017 0 min

End of Year Report 2016"

January 2, 2017 0 min

Monthly Financial Snapshot: December 2016

January 2, 2017 0 min