Monthly Financial Snapshot: April 2018

Please excuse the somewhat late posting, as I’m on vacation.This month was another somewhat high spending month, as I traveled once for family and once for personal vacation. My policy is to record all of my expenses incurred while traveling (including food) under “travel” rather than where they might otherwise be recorded if I incurred them while at home, so that I can better understand the financial impact of my trips and budget for them in the long-term....

May 4, 2018 2 min

Monthly Financial Snapshot: March 2018

So I managed to make it through the busy part of the year alive and in one piece. Besides work, March was a pretty uneventful month, except for the markets. Market volatility seems to be here to stay, which has the potential to mess up the steady, even progress I had been enjoying up to this point. I still haven’t lost enough in one month to outweigh the new contributions and thus cause a month-to-month decrease in Net Worth, but I’m sure that day isn’t far off....

April 3, 2018 3 min

Monthly Financial Snapshot: February 2018

Well, it’s that time of year again, when work takes over almost all my waking hours for about a month and I have almost no energy left for anything else. Highlights for this month included getting a stand mixer for my kitchen (more baked goodies = less depressing work environment), completing my tax return (first year filing with self-employment income) and receiving a fat refund (thanks to January’s strategic tax move), and losing enough money in the market to offset almost all of my savings for the month....

March 1, 2018 2 min

Monthly Financial Snapshot: January 2018

January was a really strange month. I deliberately overpaid over $6k in federal income taxes on a credit card in order to trigger a 25k mile spending bonus and set myself up for another 25k mile bonus in another month or two. Since it’s just about tax season, I’ll be getting almost all of that back as a refund in a month or two, minus the 1.87% credit card fee. Totally worth it for the extra travel I’ll get from it....

February 2, 2018 2 min

Monthly Financial Snapshot: December 2017

Pretty good overall for the month, considering the accelerated spending I did on travel. I bought about $950 worth of gift cards, some at a 15% discount, and some to earn 10x Chase points during the Chase Pay Best Buy promotion. I value the 8,000 points I earned from that at about $136, so not a bad return on investment there.

January 5, 2018 1 min

Monthly Financial Snapshot: November 2017

December 3, 2017 0 min

Monthly Financial Snapshot: October 2017

Another month gone! Maybe it’s just the season, but time really seems to be flying by lately. Been very busy at work so the days and weeks have started to blur together. Nothing super exciting to report out for this month, other than the stock markets continuing their great performance for the year. It’s weird having months where capital appreciation is actually more than how much I spent during that month....

November 1, 2017 2 min

Monthly Financial Snapshot: September 2017

Had some extra spending this month on travel due to my sister visiting me for a weekend, as well as purchasing plane tickets and airport parking for my annual trip to visit family. I paid cash for 2 of the 3 flights because I found a good deal on one of them and the second one wasn’t really expensive enough to justify using points, as well as the lack of seat availability since it was the holiday season....

September 30, 2017 2 min

Monthly Financial Snapshot: August 2017

Not a whole lot particularly stands out this month in my spending. The only real thing of note is the somewhat higher travel spending. This was partly due to taking a weekend trip to Minneapolis for the GoCurryCracker FI meetup. I spent about $100 on the roundtrip flight and used points for hotels rooms, so the trip itself was fairly cheap. While I’m traveling, I also include any restaurant spending in the travel because I consider restaurants to be part of the trip, and because I rarely eat at restaurants when not traveling, I want to track them separately....

September 2, 2017 2 min

Monthly Financial Snapshot: July 2017

This month was an interesting one because I spent about half of it away on work training. As a result, much of my normal expenses were reduced because the company was paying for my lodging and food. Well, technically I paid for it and I will be reimbursed sometime next month. No complaints from me because I still get to collect all the points and miles that come along with travel spending at no cost!...

August 1, 2017 2 min