Well, the yen has fallen to an all-time low (in my lifetime, at least), breaking the 160 barrier. JCB doesn’t seem to care that much as long as the volatility doesn’t get too high. US interest rates remain really high, and Japan is unable to raise its own rates to match, so the yen will continue to bleed. As a result, the USD numbers were basically unchanged, whereas the yen numbers are at an all-time high. Normally that would be exciting / motivating, but at this point it’s getting a bit scary…

On the travel front, the itinerary for the Europe trip is solidifying a bit. I booked flights to and from our entry point (Helsinki) to central Europe, as well as hotels stays for the surrounding the flights, but there’s still a 5 day gap that needs to be finalized. Will continue to work on it a little bit at a time until we’re happy with the itinerary.

Here’s a summary of my financial position this month:

Description 6/24
Total Expenses $4,007.42
Gross Income $5,644.26
Taxes $495.18
Net Income $5,149.08
Savings $1,141.66
Savings Rate 22.2%
Net Worth $482,882.59

Projected time to FI (assuming 6% growth and 4% withdrawal rate): 10 years, 4 months.