Category Jun-19 Comments
Rent $0.00 Nothing this month
Internet $0.00 Nothing this month
Cell Phone $0.00 Nothing this month
Natural Gas $0.00 Nothing this month
Electricity $0.00 Nothing this month
Water $0.00 Nothing this month
Groceries $120.98 Fairly low, but mostly due to higher restaurant expenses
Car Insurance $0.00 Nothing this month
Transport $256.26 Higher than average, due to travel / tourism
Car Expenses $0.00 Nothing this month
Health $12.30 OTC medicine in Japan
Other $25.00 Mail forwarding
Necessary $414.54 Below average this month
Restaurants $493.18 Restaurant meals in Japan. Higher due to family member visiting.
Entertainment $41.77 Museum admissions
Shopping $38.83 Below average
Travel/Parking $70.79 Fees for award flights
Gifts/Donations $0.00 Nothing this month.
Software/Games $0.00 Nothing this month.
Business $0.00 Nothing this month.
Other $147.07 Approximate cash expenses that I forgot to precisely categorize. Mostly entertainment and food.
Discretionary $791.64 Above average, but will go down next month now that I’m no longer in hotels
Total Expenses $1,206.18 Below average, mostly due to prepaid housing from last month
Gross Income $2,022.82 Dividends, interest, reimbursements from visiting family member
401(k) Match $0.00 Nothing this month
Taxes $0.00 Nothing this month
Net Income $2,022.82 Below average
Savings $816.64 Below average
Savings Rate 40.4% Doesn’t really make sense now that I essentially have no income. Might stop reporting this going forward.
Net Worth $302,412.89 Market returned most of my losses from May.